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Unbroken Wings Inc. is a premier 501(c)3 charity organization committed to supporting children who have experienced physical or emotional trauma. We believe that every child deserves a chance to heal and thrive, no matter their circumstances.

Check out our raffles to help support us to be able to keep making

Miracles Happen!!

Cards for Ashton

Cards can also be mailed to:

Unbroken Wings

4 Shirley st

Chicopee MA 01020

Let’s get as many cards

as we can to send to the family

to show them how much we

all are rooting for Ashton!!

Stop by our booth on Feb. 22nd

from 11-5pm at Ludlow High School

during their Last Night Celebration

and drop your cards off and

say hi to us!!

Link to the event


Unbroken Wings Inc. is a premier 501(c)3 charity organization committed to supporting children who have experienced physical or emotional trauma. We believe that every child deserves a chance to heal and thrive, no matter their circumstances. Your donation helps us continue to help the children like Ashton and their family!!

We will knock down the heavens with all of our prayers. HE will hear us and know that it’s not Ashton’s time.

We are a family of 4 with no one left behind. We will fight until we take our last breath. My baby is stubborn as shit so I know we got this!!!

Ashton's Army


      Ashton has been in and out of the hospital for over a year now battling cancer. He is currently in the ICU at Boston's Children's Hospital trying to get his pain under control from his biopsy. Ashton is waiting for the results from his biopsy to see if there is a clinical trial available. Ashton's mother has been staying with him in the hospital in Boston while is father and older sister are home in Western Mass, and travel back and forth as much as they can. 

     We will put as many updates as we can from the family on this page.

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Ashton's updates

The family thanks everyone for the


February 16

Ashton and his mom didn't get very much sleep last night. Ashton’s blood pressure was high, so they needed to give him an IV with meds at midnight instead of at 7am. It couldn’t possibly be because of all the bull shit meds he’s on or because you guys keep pissing him off and won’t leave him alone. The pain meds were great for managing his pain but it is hard to watch a 1-year-old detox from them.

Please continue to pray for Ashton!!

February 15

Started weaning off the pain meds. Hope it goes well and he’s not in as much pain anymore. Day 4 of chemo to calm down his leukemia so we can come up with a better plan. Either St. Jude’s or the had markers on his biopsy they can use to help figure out what’s driving his leukemia to be so aggressive! All the prayers! They are helping!

February 15

4 days in the ICU and Mom finally got to hold Ashton. Let this nightmare be over…. Who knows when he will be out of ICU and back with Oncology….

February 14

A tiny bit of good news but I’ll take any. Yesterday Ashton’s doctor told us that he talked to the doctors at Cincinnati about a clinical trial. The trial is over in Cincinnati but it’s open at St. Jude……

PLUS they got some viable tissue from his biopsy that they can test!!!! They have not gotten a viable tissue sample since we have been here because Ashton’s leukemia is a pain in the a$$ and is NEVER in his bone marrow up until this relapse.

We are all so excited so they can try to see what is behind making his leukemia so aggressive.

So either they will actually find something to treat his leukemia or we will go to St. Jude. His doctor now sounds hopeful considering on Monday, he said there isn’t much he can do!!!! I know the miracles he has done and I remind him every time I see him! Ashton will be one of his miracles or we will go to St. Jude and he will be their miracle!

This has been the hardest two weeks of my life but we are making it. We are both going home healthy!!

Thank you all for all the prayers! We need all of them! Keep them coming.

February 13

Ashton is all settled in the ICU and they are trying to get his pain under control. He’s not urinating as much as he should be and his constipated probably due to the pain meds so he has a foley in… pray for Ashton as they try to continue relieving him from pain…

February 12

Ashton didn't sleep much overnight as he is in too much pain. They increased all of his pain meds in the middle of the night and he is still in a lot of pain. They have decided to move him to the ICU to see if they can get his pain under control.

February 11

Biopsy day! Cranky just wants to eat but of course he can’t and is miserable. My poor boy! Please pray they find the markers they need so he can qualify for the clinical trial and pray the chemo we start tonight starts to relieve him of pain so he can be transferred.

February 10

We just finished talking to Ashton’s primary team. Without him saying how nervous he was or how he was afraid that this wouldn’t work, we just stuck to the facts.

There’s not much that Boston Children’s can do besides give him some light chemo that will temporarily give him some relief. However Dr. Place said there are a couple options for possible clinical trials at St. Jude or MD Anderson in Houston, TX. In order for him to qualify for these clinical trials, first he has to be stable enough to move. He is on oxygen and a ton of pain meds so the thought is giving him light chemo to get him in a better spot even though it’s temporary. The other thing is he has to have certain markers in his leukemia which he hasn’t had before because he hasn’t had leukemia in his bone marrow so after tomorrow’s biopsy, we are hoping pathology can take it and find the marker we need.

Please keep my family in your prayers as we continue this never ending nightmare.

February 9

Last night was rough.

The WORST part about his leukemia coming back is how much pain he’s in…. It literally destroys me hearing him scream in pain while I try to hold him and calm him down. It literally infuriates me where I can’t think or speak.

They have gone up on his pain so much they are running out of options. The next step is steroids.

However today was a MUCH better day. While Ashton was laying on me, Chris was going to use the wagon to get Girl Scout cookies out of the car but when Ashton saw the wagon he went crazy. He kept pointing saying “yeah, yeah, yeah” over and over again. I asked him if he wanted to go for a walk and with his cute little voice he said “yeah”, so we hook him up and began walking around the unit. It was literally the most comfortable he has been in 6 days.

He wasn’t screaming in pain, his heart went down to 150s instead of the 180s, he just laid there relaxed.

He hates staying in his room. Probably from all the trauma. So for almost 4 hours we just walked until he was asleep so we could plug in his poles.

Thank you EVERYONE for all the information. I made a spreadsheet and have everything written down for what I’m trying first. I appreciate you all so much!

February 8

I’m not exactly thrilled with this update but Ashton’s Leukemia is back. The chemotherapy actually killed the tumors but all it did was move the leukemia to his bone marrow. They are going to verify on Tuesday with a biopsy but at this point I’m speechless. He’s in so much pain and I feel so useless.

I do not know the next steps for Ashton but I do know that we are going to fight. I’m going find ANY clinical trial that may be available to Ashton in the US. I gave Boston enough of our time so now I need to see what else is out there.

Ashton’s technical diagnosis is relapse progressive Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia with a subtype of RUNX1 also knows as AMKL. His type of leukemia is super rare and is mostly found in children with Down syndrome and the fact that Ashton doesn’t have Down syndrome, it makes it rarer.

I’m going to research everything I can about clinical trials to see if we can transfer somewhere else. I am NOT book savvy and I suck at researching stuff, but I have to figure it out and quick.

I became friends with A LOT of cancer moms who have and are going through the same stuff we are so I’m looking for help. I need as many people as possible to share my post in hopes that we find another family effected by AMKL to try to find open clinical trial. This is the only thing I can do at this point.

Please if you know anything about clinical trials or certain hospitals, please email me at so I can keep track and write everything down.

You all have been so amazing and I don’t know what I would have done if we didn’t have the support that we have from all you guys. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

February 7

So there doesn’t appear to be any new tumors (win for the day) however Ashton's left shoulder “might” have a small fracture in it. He also tested positive for bacterial infection in the blood, so they are working on that.

Also the space in his bone where the bone marrow goes is wide which usually indicates that he has leukemia in his bone/bone marrow.

Next step is biopsy. They don’t know where to biopsy so they are going to have orthopedic oncology look at the scans and hope they can help if not he will need a PET scan.

So either a biopsy or PET scan won’t be scheduled until Monday. Hopefully we can skip the PET and go straight for the biopsy.

Ashton is in sooo much pain. He can’t stop moaning and screaming in pain. Pray for cancer free despite what the MRI says and for my boy to not be in pain

Tumors can cause bone fractures

Tumors can cause bone fractures. Bone tumors can weaken bones and make them prone to fractures

February 6 10am

Ashton just got to his MRI. He started to have some pain in his shoulder last night as well so they decided they are going to do a full body MRI so it will be 5+ hours.

February 5 10pm

Ashton's fever has come back and he now can't move his shoulder. 

February 5 4pm

Due to lack of communication, Ashton’s MRI was rescheduled for tomorrow at 10a….

February 5

Ashton's MRI appointment today isn’t until 3pm which probably means 5pm… which also means he can’t eat. Because he won’t be getting it done until late, we probably won’t be getting the results until tomorrow… please pray pray pray. He cannot have leukemia in his leg.

February 4

Orthopedic wants Ashton to get a MRI of his left leg because on a xray it looks like there COULD be leukemia which is why he fractured it.

February 4

Ashton has a fractured femur! Better than leukemia!

February 3 9pm

Poor baby boy had his xray and ultrasound today. We thought it was his hip but we think it’s actually his knee. The ultrasound says there’s inflammation in his left knee but YAY no fluid so no leukemia as of now! He had to get another xray of his knee to see if he had a fracture… still waiting for those results. Please pray the leukemia stays far away from my baby boy and that he gets some relief from the pain he feels.

February 3

Baby boy still has hip pain so he just went for a xray. If the xray comes back clear then he goes to an ultrasound to see if he has fluid in his hip which could indicate an infection or leukemia. Cross your fingers that both tests come back normal and he just over worked or pulled his muscle.

February 2

Ashton’s left hip hurts. He can barely can move his left leg! Pray he just hurt it and it’s not tumors. He originally had/has tumors on his left hip. Please God don’t let them still be there and worst.

February 1

He’s been good all day and then he started to get a fever. I HATE when he gets fevers because it’s either leukemia or an infection and at this point please be an infection!!!

January 30

Today was an emotionally sad day as a side effect from the chemo Ashton is starting to lose his hair.  

January 29

Last night was such a long night for Ashton. His PICC broke so the IV team had to come and try to fix it but was unsuccessful. Now today he has to get another PICC put in so now it’s a day of waiting, no eating and hoping to make it through the day.

Pray that they get him in early and they can still put a PICC in his left arm as the right arm is not really an option bc of him sucking his fingers.

Little man didn’t go to bed until almost 1am and woke up at 5am ready to go!

January 28

Ashton’s tumor in his chest went from 6x5x6cm to 3x2x3cm!!!! It’s shrunk half the size!!!! Keep praying for our little man to have the chemo to continue to work!

January 27

Ashton’s CT scan came back with his tumor in his chest SMALLER!!! I don’t know how much smaller but I don’t care. It’s SMALLER! Keep those prayers coming. He’s listening!

January 27

Day 19… last week was such a busy week for us. We received so many special gifts that it’s hard to keep up with everyone. If you donated to us in anyway thank you so much.

As of now I KNOW the chemotherapy is working. Ashton is feeling better and standing again, talking and just being a pain the butt toddler. However I do get so nervous that the chemo is going to stop working and his leukemia is going to break through like last cycle. We just have to keep praying that the chemo will work so we can get to bone marrow transplant. The doctors are also nervous that the chemo is going to stop working so the are constantly debating on what their next move should be.

Today Ashton is going to get a head and chest CT to see if his brain bleed self dissolved and to see if the tumor in his chest got smaller so he doesn't need lovenox shots anymore…

Let’s keep the prayers coming that chemotherapy continues to work and he doesn't need lovenox shots anymore. Getting two shots every day is horrible and heartbreaking for my baby to have to go through.

January 24

Ashton and his little friend Dylan. Dylan has AMKL just like Ashton. Boston Children’s hospital sees a patient with AMKL once every few years and we are lucky to have this family here with us. AMKL is only in 1% of leukemia patients.

Although they both have AMKL, they are very different. Ashton’s AMKL is making tumors in his bones throughout his body. Baby Dylan has AMKL just in his blood.

Please pray that the doctors can make the right decision for Ashton. There’s a few options they have and I don’t like any of them.

Pray for baby Dylan as they just finished up his forth round of chemo and they have one more round before he gets to go home and continue to be in remission.

January 23

We were so afraid his blasts would come back, and they did, 14%. Pathology has to look at his blood and see what the blasts are. They can be recovery blasts (which we doubt is because he just finished chemo, so his body isn’t recovering yet) or leukemia blasts pray for good news and pray that the chemo is working so he can get a bone marrow transplant soon!!

Blast cells (or “blasts”) are immature cells. But in the context of blood disorders, healthcare providers consider the number of blasts in your bone marrow or blood to diagnose leukemia

January 22

I didn’t want to jinx it but today is day 2 with 0 blasts. Blast in his blood often indicate either leukemia or his bone marrow is recovering. We know his bone marrow isn’t recovering because he’s still getting chemo (today is his last day). Saturday his blood had 5% blast, Sunday it had 9% and Monday 15% blasts so naturally I start thinking the worst… yesterday he had 0 blasts but often blood tests come back wrong so I didn’t post because I didn’t want to jinx it, BUT today he had 0 blasts again!!! Keep all the prayers coming!!!

January 20

Day 13…. Ashton is feeling better and has 3 more days of chemo and then we wait and PRAY the chemo destroys those stubborn leukemia cells.

This has been the longest 10 months of our lives. Pray, pray, pray, that the blasts in his blood start to go down which shows the tumors are starting to die.

January 19

Day 12… Ashton is in a great mood. He’s playful, laughing, talking and he ate some chicken parm, blueberries and puffs.. that’s more than he’s eaten in a week.

He still can’t sit up without screaming in pain, but his team thinks it could be a muscle spasm… I’m not really sure but I’ll go with it. The x-ray showed he didn’t have any fractures. We gave him some baby muscle relaxers so we are going to wait it to kick in and then see if he can sit. Prayers for Ashton!!

January 18

Day 11…. Ashton appears to be in good spirits. He was throwing the ball, talking a lot and even eating chili, however he cannot sit up.

He’s been through a lot and I’m just praying it’s not sh*t getting worse. He got X-rays done of his hips and lower back to see if he has a fracture of some sort. Part of me hope he does have a fracture so we have a reason instead of the scary unknown.

Please pray for our boy! My mommy heart can’t take much more of watching my boy suffer.

January 17

Day 10… well last night was another day of tests and bs. He started zoning out like he was daydreaming. He continued to do it most of the day so when I brought it up to his nurse, she brought it up to the NP.

They came and did a neurological test. He did very well during it but I explained to the NP that nothing that appears to be little is actually little, it’s always something bigger. They agreed and wanted him to do a head CT.

So all night we did a head CT which showed a small brain bleed that explained him staring off into space. After that they hooked him up with a EEG to make sure he hasn’t having seizures. Then another CT scan at 230a to make sure it didn’t get worse.

January 16


Ashton is FINALLY out of the ICU and back in Oncology!!! He is off of oxygen and his pain meds… maybe the chemo is starting to work. Thank all of you who have been keeping Ashton in your prayers.

January 14

Day 7…. Really just sad. Day 2 in the ICU. Breathing is still crappy and he still has high blood pressures which now they are going to him on blood pressure medication.

January 13 4:30pm

Ashton is being transferred to the ICU so they can better monitor him.

January 13

Day 6… Ashton did okay with his first dose to cytarabine although he spiked a high fever, which is expected with cytarabine, but no other symptoms so far. It’s still early. My baby sleeps all day which I’m learning to deal with as long as he’s not in pain. He’s still losing some fluid which is great so he’s not so bloated. Now if we can figure out the high blood pressure’s which we are working with a kidney team.

January 12

Day 5… Ashton has had a ROUGH week and we believe part it is because the tumor is pressing on his blood vessels which is causing his blood pressure to be to high and making it harder for him to breathe.

Sense we believe the tumor is growing, my wonderful NPs figured away to start his high dose cytarabine at midnight tonight instead of 8pm tomorrow night. We believe he needs it asap to hope shrink the tumor. Please pray for our baby as he enters the next phase of his treatment. Please pray that he doesn’t get to sick from it!

January 11

Day 4…. Not going great. The mystery of him being bloated is still unknown. He’s had two ultrasounds, two X-rays, two CT scans, a TON of lab work and everything keeps coming back normal. The only thing left is there could be possible little tears in his intestines, which there isn’t a test for, so the only thing we can do is have him not eat or drink ANYTHING for a few days to see if it helps. I told them a would give them a few days but he’s not going to be NPO forever.

January 10

Day 3 of chemo. The chemo doesn’t seem to be the problem as of yet. His legs, feet and stomach are still swollen. No one knows why his stomach is still so extended when he’s no longer constipated. We have had X-rays and ultrasounds the last 2 days and there seems to be no answer. We are about to head to CT hoping to see something. Hopefully there’s answers soon.

On a different note we got are new chair and love it. Thank you so much magic for Maddie for buying it for me and thank you to my friends for delivering to me!

January 9

Yesterday was day 1 for chemo. Boston Children’s made an individual plan just for Ashton. Ashton is super stubborn. He can be such an asshole so I believe that his leukemia cells are just like him, stubborn little sh!ts.

I was talking to his primary oncologist a couple days ago and I explained how it doesn’t make sense because the chemo was working because his breathing got better and he was standing again. She said she didn’t know if it started to kill the leukemia cells but then they began to fight back and started spreading like wildfire.

Then it occurred to me, that makes perfect sense. Ashton is stubborn and so is his leukemia so we can’t have pussy sh!t chemo, we need the good sh!t, as Chris would say.

So yesterday Ashton started a chemo regimen that was actually from St. Jude where it will open up his leukemia cells and make them more vulnerable so on day 6, 7, 12, 13 when we blast his body with the hardest chemo they have, we will kick leukemias a$$. My boys got this!

This is the most relaxed he’s been in 2 days! Just needs his momma to rub his head and snuggle him.

January 9

January 8th was the WORSE night at Boston Children’s Hospital in the 6.5 months that I’ve been here.

Ashton’s swelling has gone down slightly. He FINALLY has had two bowel movements. He’s been constipated for 4 days. He is in a TON of pain because of his stomach, from being bloated where he barely can move and from his leukemia. He gets these raspy short breaths because of the pain. When people leave him the f*ck alone, then he will relax, his breathing will go to normal, and he will fall asleep. Well because of the amount of pain he’s been in and him being so swollen, I couldn’t let him sleep that uncomfortable in his crib, so Chris and I have been trading on whose sleeping in the most uncomfortable chair.

Tell me why ALL night they needed ultrasounds, X-rays, labs drawn 6 times, vitals taken every hour, the NPs coming in 5 times to check on him and to listen to him, the ICU nurse coming to give a consultation on whether we should go to the ICU, and then say well his breathing, blood pressure and heart rate are f*cked up! Yes because you mother f*ckers wont leave my baby alone. After I spoke STERNLY to the nurse, NPs, xray tech and the ICU nurse, they went out to the hall to discuss whether Ashton should go to the ICU, as Chris kindly shut the door behind them and slid a sign under the door that said “BABY IS SLEEPING”.

January 8

Baby boy is SWOLLEN from head to toe. The doctors think it’s from his procedure and it’s just fluid built up from laying down during his procedures and he’s still constipated.

He got an xray of his stomach, took blood cultures and gave him more meds that should release the fluid and help his go to the bathroom. Everything hurts him. He better feel better fast until then I’m not moving.

January 6

Ashton is getting his bone marrow biopsy tomorrow and a biopsy of his shoulder. He is going to start chemotherapy tomorrow or Wednesday. This is going to be 6 weeks of hell. The hardest chemo they have. This is Ashton's last shot! Please everyone pray. God has to heal our baby boy!

January 5

MRI results say that his tumors have grown since starting this clinical trial. It clearly did not work. His left shoulder is having some pain so the MRI says they “think” it’s more leukemia in a new spot. I don’t like that response so I am making them do a biopsy of his shoulder tomorrow to confirm it’s leukemia and not a bone infection that we are missing.

January 4

I just received the results of the CT scans. Not only did his tumors not shrink but they actually grew. The chemo and the clinical trial did not work. I feel like I’m slowly dying inside.

Because he has been having fevers for 5 days which is a sign of cancer and infection, he is going to get a MRI tomorrow to see if he might possibly have an infection in his bones along with the cancer. On Monday they are going to find a new chemo regiment. I told the doctors they need to figure it out because dying is not an option. They said it is not good but they have a lot of things in their pockets so they will come up with a new plan.

​December 8

We have been out of Bostons Children Hospital for 4 months and 4 days and now we are back.

We just discovered while checking his lungs, that he now has tumors by his lungs and in his hips which has been my concern bc he stopped trying to walk.

His leukemia AML came back. Please send all the prayers for Ashton and our family because I have no idea how we are going to go through this all again. It seems impossible.

​December 6

So today Ashton had his last follow up with his pulmonologist in Boston, or so we thought….

After discussing my concerns with his doctor she decided to do a chest xray. On my way home from Boston, his doctor calls me and says she sees something on the xray that he needs to be admitted for. She said it looks like the tissue by his lung or in his lung has an infection. She said he had to be admitted for further testing and so he can be treated immediately.

She worked with admission and we are going back to Boston Children’s tomorrow to be admitted for who knows how long… I need all the prayers that this is a quick trip because something tells me it won’t be because it never is….

I just want my baby to start feeling better….

October 30

All is perfect with baby Ash! Now on our way home to sit in Boston traffic… so grateful my little man is healthy.

August 28

1st month check up is good to go! Gained 1.2lbs in 2 weeks.

August 6

We are soooo grateful for everyone we have in our lives. If it wasn’t for our friends, family, the AMAZING nurses and everyone who prayed for our baby boy, I don’t know if I would have made it!

This was the worst, most challenging thing our family has ever gone through and I’m happy to say WE MADE IT! Our little guy is a fighter. We weren’t suppose to be done with treatment until almost September but he had other plans. His little body kicked cancers ass so fast that the doctors/ NPs were in disbelief.

Thank you everyone from the bottom of our heart!

The first night home was a success although I ended up sleeping in Ashton room. I’m just grateful to be home!

August 2

No cancer! No fungal infection! We are going HOME!!!!!!

August 1

The biopsy they took on his knee could be nothing, could be a fungal infection or could be cancer. Please pray for no cancer!!!!!

July 14

After nearly 4 months of lovenox shots (similar to blood thinners) Ashton finally finished his LAST lovenox shot today! Ashton has been getting shots EVERY day, TWICE a day and it’s finally over! Those poor little thighs can finally start to heal!!!

July 12

Day 135… last day of chemo!

July 11

Our baby is FINALLY getting his last dose of cytarabine (chemo)… he only has one more injection tomorrow at noon of chemo and he’s OFFICIALLY done. Then it’s just waiting for his numbers to come up which could take 3 or 4 weeks.

So close to be done and going home! My baby has had enough!

July 3

Today is the day. The 5th and final round of chemotherapy! We are so excited to be almost done but so nervous on how his little body is going to handle all those toxic chemicals.

June 28

22 days into this cycle and his numbers started to come up!!!! It usually takes 28-35 days. Ashton says we need to go home so let’s go round 5!!!

June 7

Day 1 of round 4. We thought round 4 was the worst round but they switched it on us so it will be a little easier and round 5 will be the worst. Like always pray for our babe!

May 29

We have been in the hospital for exactly 90 days. To think we are only about half way through is mind blowing

May 17

Day 2 of not needing oxygen during the night I can’t wait until all this is behind us. We miss our house and being outside!

May 12

Although this is not how I would have wanted to spend my Mother’s Day, I was still thankful for us all to be together. Not everyone gets to spend Mother’s Day with their family and for that I’m thankful. Where we are doesn’t matter, as long as we are together!

May 3

Finally an update I’m excited about.

Without going into so much detail, Ashton know longer needs a bone marrow transplant. They discovered his mutated gene in other family members and because of that they BELIEVE he know longer needs the transplant. With that being said things could change in a few months once they do more research but as of now, we are hopeful for no bone marrow transplant.

Ashton still has to have 3 rounds of chemo but we are hoping to be home by early fall. Although it’s going to be a long summer for us, this is the answer to so many of our prayers.

April 16

I’m beginning to hate these updates.

Not that I have much details but we just found out that Ashton is going to need a bone marrow transplant and we are so heartbroken.

The next step is testing Adriana to see if she has the RunX 1 gene and to see if she’s a match. If she doesn’t have the gene and she’s a match then she will be his donor which will help with the least amount of complications for Ashton.

If she isn’t a match or has the gene, then they will go to the donor bank and find a match.

Thank you everyone who reached out to get tested to see if they could help Ashton but right now I don’t think there is much that can be done as far as other people being tested.

So as of now, we have to wait for his numbers to come back up, it takes approximately 20 more days, and then hopefully have the information about Adriana so we can start the transplant.

We are all so very heartbroken. We feel like every week are news keeps getting worse and worse. Please just keep praying. We desperately just want to come home!

April 7

What a blessing to be able to celebrate such a special milestone for such a special boy. Ashton, I know that when you’re old enough, you’ll know just how much you are loved and how celebrating you today, and every day, is just what our hearts needed. Happy 1st Birthday, Ashton, we love you!

April 5

Update time….

Although this is not the update I was hoping for, here we are.

The chemo is working great with Ashton’s Leukemia. The tumors are a lot smaller which is huge, however bc the tumors are smaller, they located a blood clot in the base of his skull that was caused by a tumor. It didn’t create a stroke or bleed but another thing we have to deal with worry about…

Then there’s the worse part. Ashton has a gene mutation called the Run X 1 gene. That gene created his leukemia and COULD create further cancers through his childhood and his life. They took that gene to biopsy that today. That takes a few weeks to get back. If it is going to create further cancers then Ashton will have to have a bone marrow transplant if not he will need 4 more rounds of chemo. Either way, he starts round 2 on Monday.

There are so many short and long term side effects of having a bone marrow transplant starting with 5-10% babies don’t make it through the procedure. Chris and I are not matches because we are his parents but Adriana is, however I believe it’s a very painful procedure to be a donor so I’m not going to put her through that.

March 19

Day 10 of chemo! His final day of chemo this round. He’s been a trooper

March 10

Tonight is the first night of chemotherapy. He will be doing chemo for the next 10 days and then we have to wait approximately 18 days to see how he reacts and to take more scans.

The next 28 days are so important bc it will show how his body reacts and how to take the next steps.

March 6

Little man is feeling better this morning compared to the last several days. He’ll be getting his biopsy results tomorrow. The Oncology believes they know what kind of cancer he has but we are still praying for a miracle.

March 3

Day 3…. They think he has pneumonia and his eye swelling hasn’t been great. Labs came back and there hasn’t been any improvement and some labs are worse.

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